A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Does Jim Gibbons Advocate Drunk Driving?

It seems like the silence of the Reno Gazette-Journal on the Gibbons-Mazzeo affair has finally ended and it seem to have payed of since Ray Hagar has gotten the first interview with Gibbons (that I'm aware of). The RGJ has gotten tech-savvy and posted a video of the interview on its website. And they oughta be applauded that they did cause sometimes a picture says more than a thousand words. In the interview he admits that Mazzeo hat "a glasss or two of wine" while she sat at his table and still "helped" her to her car. This champion of DUI enforcement sure hammers it home in this interview with the following phrase:
I've never been trained to look at somebody and make that determination of whether or not they are inebriated.
Fancy Jim, thinking "inebriated" will get him of the hook, instead of just saying intoxicated. Thing is, you don't need to be trained Jim, all you need is judgment. That's an asset that could really come in handy if you wanna be Governor.

That judgment is clearly a problem becomes apparent when Congressman Gibbons practically admits to driving under the influence:
I can guarantee you that everybody in this room just about who's gone to a reception and had a glass of wine at some function has gotten back in their car and never felt they were drunk because they didn't demonstrate that.
Yup, he really said it. This is what happens when his handler Sig Rogich let's him talk to a reporter for just two and a half minutes. Good Lord!

It's no wonder that Dina Titus has barely more to say on this front than that the Congressman exhibits "bad judgment" in the short interview Ray has done with her.

What else can we learn from these interviews? Ray Hagar is on first name terms with the Congressman while he is not with Dina Titus. And regardless of who wins we'll have a Governor who hasn't had any plastic surgery. That's mighty comforting.

As to what else is happening related to Gib-Gate:

A new scandal it's on its way, involving another woman, but this time the former nanny. A breaking report by KLAS TV:

From what I can gather former congressional candidate and prospective future First Lady of Nevada has possibly committed perjury. What really made me wonder is if it's common for Republicans to hide their illegal employees in the basement.

The nanny story has already been picked up by the national blogs including Americablog and Wonkette. The latter is also having fun with LVRJ's Molly Ball and the RGJ in general:

Also, reporter Molly Ball at the Las Vegas Review Journal doesn’t like Wonkette writing about police reports and Congress without giving her proper credit. After all, we only linked to her stories in our very first post about WaitressGate: Ms. Ball writes: “I broke this story…and the rest of them, for the record.” Well, we’ll be fucked! She didn’t just “break” the Gibbons story, she broke all news stories

But at least Molly and her peers down in Vegas are covering the story. The Gibbons Nightmare is almost totally ignored in Northern Nevada — the Republican-leaning District 2 that includes the whole state beyond Vegas/Clark County. Gibbons is based in the Reno suburb of Sparks, and Reno/Sparks arguably has the worst daily paper in America. It took a week for the paper to even mention the Vegas Scandal. A phone call from Congressman Jim was obviously enough to keep the story buried up north, where the electorate tilts just right enough to possibly give him a very slim victory.

Anyway, the Waitress herself is supposed to give a press conference later today. Let us know how that goes, Molly!

A commenter named "Electoral College Dropout" on Molly:
Molly Ball: Personally responsible for sunlight, rainbows, and puppies.
Wonkette might just turn out to be the favourite national blog for Nevadans in the next two weeks.

So, a quick roundup. Jim Gibbon's scorecard two weeks before the election:
  • Judgment factor: F
  • Plastic surgery factor: D-
  • Angelina Jolie lips factor: F
  • Sparkling Conspiracy Eyes factor: A
What a lovely day it will be when Dina Titus will be sworn in as Governor of Nevada.


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