A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Friday, October 20, 2006

New NV Governor And Senate Polls

Both Rasmussen Reports and Zogby released their new numbers on the Governor and Senate races in Nevada. It's hard to tell what these polls really mean, and, more importantly, how accurate they actually are. The population in Nevada is so fluid and this midterm election seems to be so different from many previous ones that it seems almost impossible to poll statewide races in Nevada, especially when the polls only have a sample of 500 likely voters (Rasmussen). Anyhow, here are the numbers:



Dina Titus 43% (+8)
Jim Gibbons 51% (+2)
MOE +/- 4.5%

Zogby (click on Gubernatorial Races)

Dina Titus 43.2%
Jim Gibbons 48.4%
MOE +/- 4.2%



Jack Carter 42% (+1)
John Ensign 50% (0)
MOE +/- 4.5%


Jack Carter 43.2%
John Ensign 52.1%
MOE +/- 4.2%

Kos' (who's been overtly cautious so far) take on the Rasmussen Senate numbers: " How about that, hope isn't all lost on the Senate race." He actually seems to be surprised. I'm not. I'm still betting we're heading close to a landslide in Nevada this year.



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