A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Saturday, July 29, 2006

The President's Coming To Town!

Before all the presidential hopefuls of 2008 will flock to Nevada to woe the voters ahead of the new early Nevada causus, former President Jimmy Carter will make a trip to the Silver State.

The Washoe County Democratic Party announced yesterday that President Carter will be the special guest speaker at their Virginia Demmler Honor Roll Dinner in Reno on September 28th.

Apparently, this appearance is part of a tour through Nevada where the President intends to campaign for his son and the Nevada blogosphere's favourite candidate Jack Carter. Once the dates are available I'll let you know. Maybe the President will even make it to Tahoe. Keep your fingers crossed. Man, do I wish I could be there!


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