A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Saturday, September 23, 2006

What A Modern Republican Believes

The Desert Beacon has written a great post on 'what a modern Republican believes':
1. A Republican believes that it's justified to torture one's enemies in order to feel just a little bit safer.

2. A Repubican believes that it's perfectly acceptable to have working people pay for rich peoples' tax cuts.

3. A Republican believes that it's fine that all powers bestowed in the Constitution of the United States to three branches of government be handed over to the Executive, and that the rule of one man is preferable to the rule of law.
These are just the first three, go over to the Desert Beacon to read number 4 through 8! Well done!

Wanna read what BS a modern Republican sputters on the Senate floor? Then go read my post on the ensignificant Senator's speech marking the anniversary of 9/11.


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