A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Nominations for NV Democratic Leadership

Below are the nominations for Nevada State Democratic Party officers. Elections will take place on March 31st. I intend to do Q&As with as many candidates as possible. You can read Jill Derby's Q&A here. Five other candidates have already agreed to answer questions on Turn Tahoe Blue and I hope more are to follow. The next Q&A will be published later today. Unfortunately, I could not find the contact information for all candidates. If you're running for the party leadership, haven't heard from me yet and would like to do a Q&A with Turn Tahoe Blue, please let me know. Click on my profile on the top of the sidebar for my e-mail address.

Jill Derby (Douglas)
Larry Gering (Clark)
Derotha Ann Reynolds (Washoe)

1st Vice Chair
Sam Lieberman (Clark)
Randy Soltero (Clark)

2nd Vice Chair
Johnathan Abbinett (Clark)
Teresa Benitez-Thompson (Washoe)
Marcia de Braga (Churchill)
Kristian Forland (Elko)
[Bud Orange (Douglas)]

A'shanti Fayshel Gholar (Clark)
Bud Orange (Douglas)

Jan Churchill (Clark)
Gay Kennedy (Clark)


The NV Dems website listed Bud Orange as a candidate for 2nd Vice Chair. However, he is only a candidate for Secretary.

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