A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Friday, May 25, 2007

Angie Paccione to Run for Congress Again!

Angie Paccione will seek a rematch with extreme right-wing, anti-gay Republican Rep. Marilyn Musgrave in Colorado's 4th congressional district in 2008. Angie came within 3 points in a three-way race and brought Musgrave down to 46%, the lowest result for any current GOP member of Congress.

Since I established the Helluva Heller and Nevada Caucus 2008 blogs, the only significant local race for Turn Tahoe Blue so far is Charlie Brown's run for Congress in CA-04. Therefore, TTB will also concentrate on noteworthy non-local candidate - like Angie Paccione.

Angie was the only candidate outside Nevada and California that I've written about in 2006. Now, she has launched her new website for her 2008 run.

I will write more about Angie in the future. For now, I'd just like to urge you to watch the following exerpt from last year's debate with Marilyn Musgrave. Angie's response here is more powerful than anything I could write:

If you like what you see please consider contributing to Angie Paccione and join the Nevadans for Angie Paccione, Californians for Angie Paccione or LGBT Democrats for Angie Paccione groups at PartyBuilder, the social networking site of the Democratic Party which Angie Paccione also uses for her campaign.



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