A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Saturday, July 22, 2006

The Presidential Circus Is Coming To Town!

Anjeanette Damon, who has just made it to Cambridge, exclaims: "I'm definitely coming back to Nevada, now!" What in the world would make her say that when she's just taken a leave at absence from the Reno Gazette-Journal and arrived at Harvard to get her master in public administration at the Kennedy School of Government?

The AP has the answer:

National Democrats recommended Saturday wedging Nevada between the traditional one-two punch of Iowa and New Hampshire in the leadoff nominating contests for president in 2008.

This is probably the best news of the year for Nevada's Democratic candidates. Up until now, everyone who fancied him or herself presidential material has traveled up and down Iowa and New Hampshire. So, soon they'll be coming to Nevada and try to curry favour with local candidates. Expect the candidates and their PACs giving a lot of attention and mostly money to candidates like Jack Carter, Jill Derby, Tessa Hafen, (hopefully) Dina Titus and many others.

The November elections in Nevada are now officially up for grabs. I say this because there will be a significant difference between Nevada on the one hand and Iowa and New Hampshire on the other. Only the Democrats will hold an early caucus in Nevada, while both Democrats and Republicans hold a caucus/primary in both Iowa and New Hampshire. Therefore, Democratic Nevadan candidates will profit while their counterparts will not.

Sure, the new caucus in Nevada still has to be approved by the DNC, but that seems to be just a formality.

Nevadan's beware! The presidential circus is coming to town!


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