A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Bermuda Sends Some Love To Jack

In Bermuda, where Jack Carter lived for seven years before choosing to move to Nevada, his primary win was noted by The Royal Gazette:

Former resident wins US primary

Former Bermuda resident Jack Carter won the Democratic nomination on Tuesday to face Republican Senator John Ensign in November in Nevada.
Carter, the son of former US President Jimmy Carter, claimed 80 percent of the vote in early returns to defeat political unknown Ruby Jee Tun of Carson City, a middle school science teacher.
Ensign won with more than 90 percent of the vote over Ed (Fast Eddie) Hamilton of Las Vegas, a former Chrysler Corp. supervisor.
Carter, an investor who moved to Nevada three years ago and lived in Bermuda for seven years, said he’d use his extensive business and political contacts in the upcoming fight with Sen. Ensign.
“I was a member of the first family. I know a lot of the senators who are in office already. I’ve got business contacts around the country and around the world and those are the kind of things that I view as bringing something to Nevada,” he said.
Mr. Carter and his wife, Elizabeth, lived in Bermuda from 1996 until 2003 when they moved to Nevada where he operates an investment consulting firm.
While in Bermuda, where he managed investments for mutual fund giant Invesco, Mr. Carter kept a relatively low profile, riding a bus to work in Hamilton from his St. George’s home.
His father visited the Island at least twice, but also kept a low profile.

I've said before what a down to earth and humble man Jack Carter is and the last few lines in this article are a great example.


Blogger Alice said...

I met him in Manchester NH in 1976. He works a room as well as his Dady. Wonderful about reaching out to volunteers and thanking everyone.

Everyone who participates in his campaign is sure to have a wonderful time.

6:13 PM


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