A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Ensignificant Senator - An Echo Chamber Of Bush's Failed Iraq "Policy"

Michael J. Mishak of the Las Vegas Sun has a very interesting story headlined "Candidates split over Iraq policy - For Nevadans, war is likely to be election's pivotal issue" on the congressional candidates' stance on Iraq.

The part on the Ensignificant Senator is fun:

Carter's opponent, Republican incumbent John Ensign, an ardent supporter of the war, declined to be interviewed for this story, instead issuing a statement that echoed language used by Bush and his surrogates in speeches last week.

"The situation in Iraq is difficult, but we need to remember that this battle is the frontline in our fight against radical Islamic extremists," Ensign's statement said.

"If we leave now without finishing the job, we will only embolden our enemy and invite another attack on our homeland. The security of our country should not be decided by political winds, but instead by keeping the safety of Americans as our top priority."

In recent months, Ensign has said he opposes a timetable for withdrawing troops and firmly stands behind his 2002 vote to authorize the use of military force in Iraq.

You gotta like it that the Ensignificant Senator is merely mentioned as "Carter's opponent."

However, what's more important is the fact that the Senator is practically described as an echo chamber of Bush's failed Iraq "policy." When you think about it, it's quite hard to find something memorable the Ensignificant Senator has said. And why should he do so, when it's so much easier to just echo what other people say.

The difference between Carter's position on the Iraq war advocating a timetable for the withdrawal of troops and the Ensignificant Senator's position of just echoing everything Bush & Co. have to say (stay the course, fear, terror, fear) couldn't be more stark.

Now, let's see who's position voters agree with. It's easiest to just take a look at some numbers the Las Vegas Sun quoted from a New York Times/CBS News poll:

51% - The number of people who don't think the war is a part of the broader war on terror.
53% - The number of people who believe going to war was a mistake.
62% - The number of people who think the situation in Iraq is somewhat or very bad.

If you can think straight you just know that these numbers are a nightmare for any incumbent playing the administration's echo chamber like the Ensignificant Senator does.

So, what are ya gonna do? Hmm, trying to destroy your opponent's image by distorting his stands on issues sounds like a decent idea. Reportedly, the Ensignificant Senator is gonna come out with some ads. And I would be surprised if there weren't one or more attack ads on Carter somewhere in the mix.

Here's the deal:

Jack Carter is the candidate with the right position on Iraq.
Ensign is Bush's echo chamber.

Jack Carter has a problem though: money. "Conventional Wisdom" has it that this race ain't competitive. Of course, all those insiders (in the media, in the beltway bubble, even in the progressive blogosphere) just don't know Jack. (Pun intended)

Jack can win this race, as recent polls have shown. Zogby has him only 3 percentage points behind the Ensignificant Senator. Of course, Jack will never be able to match Ensign's warchest coming from the casino and the telecom industries. However, he'll need enough to be able to go on the airwaves and set the record straight.

You can help Jack defeat Bush's echo chamber in Nevada!

Contribute to Jack now!


Blogger Gambling Traveler said...

Some numbers show Nevada's John supporting the Bush Administration's questionably criminal policies by as much as 96%. We need to put up more highway signs so people will know.

9:40 PM


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