A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Gibbons Campaign - Lazy Or Stupid? Or Both?

Jim Gibbons is running for Governor. Well, if he wants to run the state like he's running his campaign you better watch out.

Apparently, the Gibbons campaign released a new TV ad (which is nowhere to be found on his crappy campaign website) attacking Dina Titus on some of her votes in the Legislature.

Somehow, Mr. Gibbons must have forgotten how he voted and/or his campaign was just too damn lazy to scrutinize the roll call.

This from a press release of the Titus campaign (courtesy of Inside Nevada Politics):
Congressman Jim Gibbons, accusing State Senator Dina Titus of voting for fee hikes in a negative campaign television spot, voted for the exact same increases in marriage license, motor vehicle and hunting and fishing license fees while he was in the Nevada Legislature, research of Gibbons’ voting record has found.

The Gibbons commercial cites the following three pieces of legislation from 1989 and 1993:

SB 410 (1989), increased fee for certified copy of a marriage license to $5; passed the Nevada Assembly 42-0 with Gibbons voting for it.

SB 542 (1989), hiked motor vehicle registration fees by $1; passed the Nevada Assembly 42-0 with Gibbons voting for it.

SB 122 (1993), increased the fee for a duplicate license for fishing and hunting to $5; passed the Nevada Assembly 41-0 with Gibbons voting for it.

During his tenure in the Nevada Legislature, Congressman Gibbons voted more than 100 times to raise taxes and fees – or to authorize others to raise them.
Not only is the Gibbons campaign lazy and/or stupid but also very, very pity. When you can find nothing better to attack your opponent with than fee increases between $1 and $5 your campaign just looks really, really bad. The inauguration of Governor Titus oughta be fun...


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