A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Posting For Peace: "No War"

© Horst Stiller

Glenda at "Glenda in the Land of Oz" called for "Posting for Peace" on Independence Day a couple of days ago. So, here I go.

What is currently called the "Fan Mile" of Berlin where thousands of people are watching and celebrating the World Cup was the sight of one of the largest demonstrations against the war in Iraq. The photo above says it all. In the background you can make out the Brandenburg Gate and to the left the Reichstag which houses Germany's parliament.


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