A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Elko Daily Free Press: "Jack Carter Rocks Wells"

It's a good day for Jack. First the Rasmussen poll coming out, then a story in the New York Sun and now another favourable article in the Elko Daily Free Press taking a look at his Nevada tour-stop in Wells.

The article's got a photo of Jack on his campaign truck with the caption:
"John Ensign is Washington's voice in Nevada. I'm going to be Nevada's voice in Washington," Democratic candidate Jack Carter told a rally in Wells last week.
It becomes quite apparent that this isn't just a slogan but that Jack actually listens to the people of Nevada:
Carter said national security must involve the grassroots core. “Local police and local firefighters need a bigger voice in Homeland Security.”

As Carter spoke, smoke from wildland fires west of Wells created a haze in the air. Particles of ash drifted down on the park tables.

“I’ve spoken to the firefighters who man the front lines of wild fires. They say that we need to extend firefighting time. They say they need to start the fire season a month earlier and end the season a month later,” Carter said.

Carter added that local input is essential in all Homeland Security planning.
As in every story the famous father gets a mention but it's usually other family members who really stick out. This time it's Jack's wife Elizabeth:
When asked about campaign stops in other towns, Elizabeth Carter said that a man attending another rally said, “Tell me Carter, in five words, what the difference is between you and Senator Ensign.”

Elizabeth Carter smiled and said, “Jack was so quick. He said, ‘I’m here and he isn’t.’”
The article concludes with a very important statement:
After delivering his short speech, Carter spent an hour listening to concerns and responding to questions.
When did the ensignificant Senator last listen to your concerns and respond to your questions?

Vote for Jack! Cause he cares!


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