A blog on progressive news and politics on both the California and Nevada sides of Lake Tahoe which aims at helping to elect Democrats and Turn Tahoe Blue. The blog is written from Germany by a former German exchange student at George Whittell High School in Zephyr Cove, Nevada.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Monday News Roundup

  • The media find their voice again. Today, the managing editor of the Tahoe Daily Tribune writes in his editorial on the New York Times vs Bush&Co "They want to shut the media down, through intimidation." Read it all, it's good! (Link)
  • There is yet another letter critical of the negative attacks. This time it's by a voter who intended to vote for Republican Sharron Angle. That is, until he learned that the attack ads on Dean Heller and Dawn Gibbons were run by Angle's buddies at the Club for Growth. Now he intends " to vote for ABA -- Anyone but Angle". Fun, fun, fun. (Link)
  • Senator Ensignificant wants to limit yet more rights. This time it's the right of pregnant minors to leave their state for an abortion. The Las Vegas Sun. (Link)
  • An editorial in the Sun on the aim of Democrats to tie a raise for members of Congress with a raise of the minimum wage. Will be interesting to see how the Republicans are getting outta this one. They've been giving themselves raises $31,600 since 1997. Fiscally conservative? My ass. (Link)
  • That Sharron Angle is an act. She accuses Dean Heller of going negative, totally ignoring the hypocracy of her allegations. She manages to claim that she has absolutely no influence over what the Club for Growth does on her behalf. Yeah, whatever. The Las Vegas Review-Journal. (Link)
  • Organic food is getting ever more popular here in Germany. The same seems to be the case in the Tahoe area. The Sierra Sun reports. (Link)
  • The San Francisco Chronicle reports that the fight for equal rights for gays is now headed to an appelate court in San Francisco. (Link)
  • The Chronicle's editorial board writes that history will judge contemporary America harshly for its treatment of gays and lesbians. (Link)
  • The LA Times editorial board takes a similar view saying that "New York and Georgia courts will be on the wrong side of history of gay marriage." (Link)


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